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Disadvantages Of Modern Techonoly

The following are disadvantages of modern technology:


Increased Loneliness


Social Isolation is on the increase, people are spending more time playing video games, learning how to use new modern technologies, using social networks and they neglect their real life. Technology has replaced our old way of interacting. If a user can easily interact with 100 friends online, they will feel no need to go out to make new friends which at a later stage can lead to loneliness.

Job Loss


Modern technology has replaced many human jobs; robots are doing the jobs which used to be done by humans. Many packing firms have employed robots on production lines to increase production and efficiency, this is good news for businesses because it helps them make more money and serve customers, but it is bad news for employees because they may become redundant.



Increased dependency on modern tools like calculators and spell checkers has reduced our creativity and intelligence. Many today struggle with spelling even basic words without an editor to confirm every word. Others find it impossible to do basic math without a calculator. Though these tools assist to make us more efficient, we may become excessively reliant on them.



Thankfully advances in technology have aided security, however, due to these advances, everything is connected to the internet in some way. Our financial accounts, our photos, our cars, mobile phone, everything touches the internet at some time. Due to the network of worldwide devices and systems, many have fallen prey to an identity thief, hacked accounts by some mischievous hacker. The road to recovery from these types of attacks can be extremely long and painstaking.

 World Destruction/Advanced Weapons


Modern technology has been the main aid in the increasing of endless wars. It aids the manufacturing of modern war weapons. So when these weapons get into the hands of criminals, they will use them for their selfish reasons. To add, these weapons often severely damage the natural earth, making some areas uninhabitable.


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