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Things you probably didn't know about charcoal

Charcoal is a lightweight black carbon residue produced by hard heating wood, it is commonly used to treat poisoning intestinal gas, high cholesterol, hangovers, stomach discomfort, and cholestasis during pregnancy.

It is also applied to the skin as part of bandages for helping heal wounds.

Below I have explained in detail the benefits of the lightweight black carbon residue we all know as Charcoal

Obstruct intestinal gas

Gas in your stomach is primarily caused by swallowing air when you eat or drink. Most stomach gas is released when you burp. Charcoal powder is believed to disrupt abdominal gas, although researchers still do not understand how.

Can help in water filtration

Just as it does in the intestines and stomach, activated charcoal can interact and absorb the latitude of poisons, drugs, infections, bacteria, fungus, and chemicals found in water.

Helpful in cases of poisoning and drug overdose 

charcoal is most helpful in cases of drug overdoses and poisonings when administered immediately. According to data from 48 comparisons involving 26 drugs, volunteers who took at least 50 grams(g) of activated charcoal 30 minutes after consuming poison reduced absorption by an average of 47 percent, per a past position paper published in Clinical Toxicology.

Supports the kidney

Charcoal assists kidney function by filtering undigested poison and drugs.

Can help in teeth whitening 

Teeth whitening products contain activated charcoal. Much oral health product also contains some activated charcoal.

Helps in keeping vegetable fresh

To keep your vegetables fresh, apply the charcoal solution to your vegetables. it will remain fresh for as long as you wish.

Chemical reduction

If you doubt your food contains too many chemicals, simply drop them in a charcoal solution for a few hours, before consumption.

Relief from a Hangover

All you need is to chew charcoal. To make it more effective. 

Acts as a Deodorant

Charcoal may absorb smells and harmful gases, making it ideal as underarms, shoe, and refrigerator deodorant. Activated charcoal is also documented to absorb excess moisture and control damp levels at a micro category.

Aids skin treatment

Charcoal can help draw microparticles, such as dirt, dust, chemicals, toxins, and bacteria, to the surface of the skin, to make removing them easier. 

Make a thick solution and apply it to your body allow for few hours before taking your bath. 

Serves as a wound treatment

Take a large amount of coal powder, apply it to the wound. This process will help extract all the poison from the wound and help it heal faster.  

Enables stain removal 

For persistent stains in your kitchen, bathroom, or tiles Apply the charcoal solution to your cleaning or use it as a scrub.

There are many other things that might not be covered in this article, feel free to add yours in the comment section.


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