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What will happen if I stop taking sugar?

Although refined sugars are different than the natural sugars found in fruit, honey, and unsweetened milk.

Refined sugars, also known as sucrose, are highly processed from sugar cane and sugar beets, they are high in calories, and have no real nutritional value, while natural sugars contain vitamins and minerals. 

I will be summarizing below what will happen when you stop eating sugar.

Glow your skin

Reducing your sugar intake can help improve your complexion by strengthening and reducing the level of inflammation present in your skin.

Sleep better 

Eating less sugar will reduce the number of times you wake up during the night, and improve your sleep quality.

Weight loss 

When you reduce or stop sugar, the storage of fat will decrease slowly, and you will lose some weight.

Mentally focused 

When you stop or reduce sugar intake you will become mentally sharp, especially as you age.

Boost your immune system 

When you stop eating sugar, your immune system can function in the way it was designed. The chronic inflammation linked to high sugar consumption lowers your immune response, making you more sensitive to colds and flu throughout.

Increase your libido

When you cut down on sugar, your libido improves, as does your body’s ability to get stir up for sex.

Reduce heart disease 

When you stop eating sugar and you’ll lower your risk of heart disease dramatically because too much sugar in your diet heightens your risk of high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes.




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