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how To avoid sudden death during sexual intercourse, never obey these commands:

To avoid sudden death during sexual intercourse,never obey these commands:


This article is for men only!


Quite sizeable number of guys gave up the ghost while trying to satisfy their woman. It is actually difficult to see or hear that the lady had to cross to the other side in order to satisfy her man.

To avoid further occurrence, please! Never obey these killer commands from your woman while at it. This might sound funny, but it will go a long way to save a life.

Here are the commands:

1. Harder, harder  

2. Jack it man 

3. Hit it deep 

4. Faster, faster 

5. Don't stop.

6. Tear my Womb                      

Please I beg you, the moment you are at it, she begins to give the above command just stop. If you don't, you might ride straight to the other side

Women's work is always work in progress. You can't finish it!!! Somebody did it to the point you met it. Dont try to be a hero. In the event of your sudden death, someone else will continue the work. 

A word is good enough for the wise!

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