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Immunization continued

I will list vaccines and the diseases they prevent and when it is to be administered.

  • BCG (Bacille of Calmette and Guerin). It is given to children immediately at birth. It is given to prevent tuberculosis
  • Pentavalent 1,Rota,PCV 1,OPV1. It is given at 6weeks of birth.
  • Penta 2,Rota 2, PCV 2,OPV 2 are given at 10weeks after birth.
  • Penta 3,PCV3, OPV3, IPV are given at 14weeks after birth
  • Vitamin A is given at 6months
  • Measles, Yellow fever and Meningitis (first dose) is given at 9months
  • Vitamin A ( second dose) is given at 12months
  • Meningitis (second dose) is given at 15months


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